Certifikáty kvality:

Výtvarná súťaž: Děd praděd

Už tradične každý rok sa zapájame do medzinárodnej výtvarnej súťaže Děd praděd, ktorú organizujú naši priatelia z Bruntálu. Ide o ilustráciu povesti z ich regiónu. Tentoraz je to povesť Bílá Opava. Dnes sme si povesť prečítali, preložili do slovenčiny a pustili sme sa do ilustrácií.

BÍLA_OPAVA.doc (34304)

5.Rocnik_vytvarne_souteze.doc (77312)

Môj obľúbený hrdina - video



Prezentácia: Naše sny 

30.11.2013 15:54


Snímky posúvajte šípkami alebo medzerníkom, nastavte si v pravom dolnom rohu zväščenie na celú obrazovku. 

Naše sny... 



Projekt: We are the painters of the world - Sme maliari sveta

https://desktop.etwinning.net/assets/images/dv2/calendar_day.pngZaregistrované 31.08.2013 |


Sme maliari sveta

Zaregistrované 31.08.2013

Informácie o projekte:
Do medzinárodného projektu eTwinning je zapojených 40 škôl z rôznych krajín EÚ.
Na začiatku  predstavíme seba , svoju školu a pošleme fotografie nášho mesta, zvukové nahrávky , multimediálne prezentácie a krátke filmy . Potom  začneme ukazovať svoj ​​svet pomocou rôznych výtvarných techník ako sú : maľovanie , lepenie , modelovanie , kreslenie . Najprv sa zameriame na najbližšie okolie (ja a moje koníčky a sny , moja rodina a priatelia ) . Potom predstavíme svoju školu , mesto a krajinu . Hlavným jazykom tohto projektu je obrázok . Žiaci môžu písať krátke príbehy vysvetľujú , čo sa snažia vyjadriť vo svojej práci .


At the beginning primary classes will present themselves, their schools and cities by photos, sound recordings, multimedia presentations or short films. Then they will start to show their world by a variety of artistic techniques like: painting, gluing, modeling, drawing. First they will concentrate on the nearest surrounding (me and my hobbies and dreams, my family and friends). Then they will introduce us to their school, city and country. The main language of this project is a picture. Pupils can write short stories to explain, what they try to express in their work.


jazyk a literatúra , predmety v predškolskom vzdelávaní , predmety v základnej škole , umenie a kultúra



Vek žiaka:

6 - 10

Využité nástroje:

e-mail, Fórum, Iný softvér (Powerpoint, video, fotografie, kresby), Priestor pre spoluprácu, Čet


Pupils will: Get to know informations about the culture of other countries. Develop manual skills. Express your feelings, observations, thinks. Create the album with paintings from different sides of world. Develop technological skills by discovering the possibilities of the web 2.0 and computer programs (Photo Story, Story Jumper, Issuu, Kizoa, Powerpoint, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker).

Pracovný postup:

In September the pupils will present yourself in the partner group. They can prepare a short film or multimedia presentation about their learning in the school and living in the city. In October they will paint self-portraits or portraits of their families and friends. In November the children will paint or draw their dreams. December - it is good time to present the famous hero from a book or a film by chosen artistic techniques: painting, gluing, modeling, drawing. In January the students will paint or draw the landscape outside the window, for example the most famous places in their city. In February they will prepare Valentine's Day postcards and they will send them to chosen eTwinning partner by a post office. In March the pupils will prepare a poster with symbols of our country (flag, emblem, coat of arms, known people ...). April it is good time to think about the nature and our Earth, so they will paint flowers, trees and animals from our country. In May and June the students will cooperate to prepare the album about the most famous eTwinning painters from all countries in our project and the gallery the most beautiful pictures.

Očakávané výsledky:

Partners will cooperate to present their work by ICT Tools: Powerpoint, Microsoft Movie Maker, Issuu, Kizoa, Prezi, Story Jumper. For example as an animated film, picture gallery, e-book, multimedia presentation. The materials will be published in Internet (TwinSpace platform, YouTube).

Naša prvá prezentácia: 

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ustDQJtCBWAaKvI_Dne0CaXbu493RLm7zPqLQ7PptjI/edit?usp=sharing drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Dj5ERtQv3Qc1Q3NU1uSWFlUE0/edit?usp=sharing